Hi, I am glad you found my website!

I understand that finding the right person to help you is crucial and your time and financial investment needs to produce real and sustainable results. My career spans over two decades in the field of mental health ranging from working in an inpatient psychiatric hospital, domestic violence shelter, foster care system, and private practice. Through my experience treating various psychological issues, I’ve seen first-hand that a significant portion of people’s pain originates from unprocessed distressing events they have experienced at some point in their lives.

Unresolved past experiences can manifest in our daily lives, causing anxiety, depression and overwhelm both physically and emotionally. Reprocessing traumatic memories lessens the emotional pain and stops unwanted old triggers from bothering you. As you process these memories, you can change negative thoughts about yourself or the situation, allowing you to be free from what no longer serves you.

My approach is evidence based, results driven and grounded in techniques proven effective over years of experience. This allows me to help you address core issues rather than simply treating the symptoms of deeper problems. I am creative by nature and enjoy applying this in my work by striving to come up with out of the box techniques customized to each person’s uniqueness.

My personal journey has taken me through seasons of joy and difficulty, requiring that I do my own internal work. I understand what it is like to move through painful discomfort and emerge stronger on the other side. I am grateful to love my work and honored to be a part of the healing journey of those who trust me to guide them toward healing.

Whether it’s a recent event that has thrown you off balance or an issue that has been buried for a while, I have a track record of helping people bounce back stronger and more resilient.

If you have read this far, all you need to do is take the next step and start a conversation. Together, let’s navigate where we go from here!

Common challenges I help people overcome.

  • Healing and finding relief from a traumatic life event.
  • Navigating overwhelming and unexpected life experiences.
  • Changing defeating relationship patterns and building stronger connections.
  • Finding healing after a significant loss.
  • Embracing parenthood and breaking unhealthy generational patterns.
  • Moving forward after divorce.
  • Overcoming postpartum depression and embracing motherhood.
  • Conquering fears, phobias and building confidence.
  • Overcoming procrastination, performance anxiety, and imposter syndrome.
  • Finding solutions to everyday stressors and obstacles.
  • Developing emotional maturity and the ability to effectively manage emotions.
  • Accepting and adapting to unexpected health conditions.
  • Shifting emotional and mental blocks that impede creativity and performance.

Training / Expertise

EMDR therapy helps re-process distressing memories, providing relief from emotional distress and intrusive thoughts related to trauma. It also improves coping skills, emotional regulation, and reduces anxiety and depression.

This approach aids in releasing stored tension and stress in the body, restoring calm and balance to the nervous system. SE fosters a deeper connection with emotions and their physical manifestations. It emphasizes body sensations and physical experiences through gentle techniques that support the body’s natural capacity to self-regulate.

This approach provides numerous benefits for individuals dealing with emotional challenges and interpersonal issues. It teaches essential skills like mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal skills. These skills result in improved coping strategies, healthier relationships, reduced self-destructive behaviors, and an overall better quality of life.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a transformative approach to psychotherapy that views the mind as a system of inner “parts” that each have their own perspectives, feelings, and roles. By fostering a deeper understanding and compassionate relationship with these parts, clients can achieve emotional healing, reduce internal conflicts, and enhance overall well-being.

This approach emphasizes solutions over problems, is goal-oriented, and employs specific strategies to achieve objectives. It highlights identifying and enhancing strengths and resources while holding individuals accountable for actionable steps towards their goals.

This approach utilizes creative expression to facilitate emotional healing and self-discovery. Using art forms like music, painting, clay, and writing, clients can delve into emotions and experiences that are hard to articulate verbally. This process enhances self-awareness, fosters deeper insights, and promotes empowerment. It also serves as a source of creativity and relaxation.

Sand tray therapy offers a nonverbal and symbolic avenue for clients, regardless of age, to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Using miniatures and symbols in a sand tray, clients can delve into and process unconscious emotions and conflicts. This method facilitates personal discovery, emotional healing, and insights into personal dynamics, proving especially effective for clients with challenges in verbal expression or trauma-related issues.

(MBCT) helps individuals cultivate awareness of their thoughts and emotions without judgment. This practice reduces rumination and disrupts negative thought patterns. MBCT is particularly effective for preventing relapse in depression and anxiety, improving mood regulation, and fostering self-compassion.

Breath-to-movement yoga sequences integrate breath awareness with physical postures, promoting not only physical strength and flexibility but also mental and emotional well-being.

The synchronization of breath and movement helps calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance focus.

Credentials and Training

M.A. Clinical Psychology, Azusa Pacific University
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Certified in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)

I am a strong believer in the importance of self-care. Here are a few of my personal favorites to help you get to know me better.

  • The relaxing and meditative art of acrylic paint pouring.
  • Hot yoga, the hotter the better.
  • Designing beaded and wired jewelry.
  • Reading publications and tuning into podcasts.
  • Spending time with family and friends including our beloved Maltese, Daisy.
  • Keeping a journal of inspiring ideas for my next book (see my children’s books below).