I’m Not Sure If What I’ve Experienced Is Trauma?

Trauma is a word that is often misunderstood. Many people who’ve gone through difficult life experiences don’t always realize the deep impact it has on their lives. They often minimize their experiences and say things like:

In simple terms, trauma is any upsetting or stressful event that makes us feel unsafe, overwhelmed, or out of control. The effects of these past events can resurface and play out in real-time, affecting our present lives.

  • An assault or violent crime
  • A car accident
  • The death of a loved one
  • Natural disasters
  • Life-threatening illness
  • An ongoing conflictual relationship
  • A highly stressful job
  • Parenting a difficult child
  • Worrying about a chronic health condition
  • Being bullied or discriminated against
  • Going through a breakup or a difficult life transition

Trauma is a universal part of being human, and it comes in many forms and intensities. When an event is too overwhelming to process, it can become “frozen” in our minds and nervous system, leaving us overwhelmed, and physically and emotionally stuck.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) offers a transformative approach by helping the brain reprocess these trapped memories. This process allows us to reorganize our thoughts and beliefs, and neutralize the intense emotions tied to those memories.

Trauma can profoundly impact our mind, body, and spirit. Mentally, it can lead to anxiety, depression, and intrusive memories, disrupting our thoughts and emotions. Physically, it may show up as chronic pain, fatigue, or other symptoms, as our body holds onto the stress and tension from the trauma. Spiritually, trauma can shake our sense of purpose and connection with God, leaving us feeling isolated and hopeless. Healing trauma holistically is essential for reclaiming a sense of wholeness and well-being.

Think of it like unlocking a room where you’ve stored all your unresolved emotions and memories. EMDR is the key that helps you open that door, allowing you to confront, reorganize, and get rid of what is no longer serving you, bringing renewed peace and relief.

If something in your life is holding you back, it’s time to address it so you can move forward. I’m here to support and guide you on this journey to finding relief and achieving a more balanced and satisfying life.


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